Guangdong Guangxin Holdings Group Ltd. (GHG) is a wholly-owned enterprise of the Guangdong Provincial Government. It is a state-owned capital investment company with a distinctive main business and strong market competitiveness. In 2023, it made the Fortune Global 500 list, ranking 427th, and was rated as an benchmark level "Double Hundred Enterprise" by the SASAC. It also received the "Responsible Beniu Prize – Overseas Duty Award." Currently, the group has 207 affiliated enterprises and approximately 45,000 employees.

  In recent years, GHG has anchored its core business in "state owned capital investment," significantly expanded its international layout, and actively engaged in fulfilling its social responsibilities. The group has strategically focused on the development of three main businesses: new energy and new materials, biotechnology and food health, and digital services along with supply chain services. The group holds a controlling stake in six listed companies and is the largest shareholder of Shengyi Technology Co., Ltd. and its affiliated listed company Shengyi Electronics Co., Ltd. The group boasts 36 high-tech enterprises, including 2 national champions in the manufacturing industry, along with 2 national SRDI (Specialized, Refinement, Differential, Innovation) enterprises, and 14 provincial counterparts. Additionally, it operates 13 national R&D platforms and 39 provincial platforms, garnering a total of 16 national scientific and technological awards and 31 provincial accolades. It has fostered well-known brands both domestically and internationally. The group has also developed a high-quality party-building work system featuring the "Dual Chain Drive" and has established a vibrant cultural brand known as "Vigorous Co-existence," with a core philosophy of courageous innovation, dedication to victory, collaborative success, and a spirit of gratitude and benevolence.

  In the future, GHG will adhere to the leadership of the manufacturing industry, focus on "innovation, reform, and breakthrough in incremental growth," cultivate new quality productivity, and continuously enhance the value, innovation, and intelligence of the manufacturing industry. The group will strive to achieve the goals of the "doubling plan," and expedite the development of a world-class enterprise distinguished by exceptional products, notable brands, cutting-edge innovation, and modern governance practices.